Pennsylvania estate planning lawyer David Frees discusses how your business, whether you are self-employed, working from home or have created your own office, impacts your estate plan. First, you must get your business well-organized and grow it. Often times, this includes creating a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation. Once you have established your business entity, you will need to consider how to integrate your business with your estate plan. The correct wording is critical and can vary depending on the type of corporation you have created. For instance, your Will may read differently if you have an LLC, as opposed to an S-Corporation. Your main goal is to ensure that your assets are protected from lawsuits and that your family is protected through a well-drafted estate plan. At the law firm of Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees, we help business owners with integrating their businesses with their estate plans. We have a team of business attorneys and tax attorneys who can help you prepare a well-drafted estate plan to protect you and your beneficiaries. You can find out more by calling one of our experienced Pennsylvania estate planning lawyers. We have offices located throughout Pennsylvania. To find out more about how your business impacts your estate plan, you can order a free copy of the informative guide, Enhanced Estate Planning: What You Need to Know About Hiring An Attorney & Creating A Plan That Works.
David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author