Already feeling the effects of the "lock down" and staying put? Well, if you need inspiration to keep you going in these strange and potentially dangerous times (when you're not going out and you're worried about loved ones and friends), just look to history: William Shakespeare wrote King Lear AND Macbeth while theatres (intentional....get it?) were shut down during the Plague. And in 1664 Sir Isaac Newton essentially invented calculus in quarantine.…/…
Now, if you're like me, quarantine isn't necessarily permitting me the time and luxury of reading and thinking in deeper and profound ways. Many of my clients are having emergencies that require our help and we are doing everything we can to plan ahead and to keep our team healthy and working!
But even with all of that we business and professional practice owners have to take care of ourselves and, in particular, our minds and bodies.
But if you do have more time rather than less, consider these ideas, actions, and thought experiments:
1) Consider a Journal or expanding your journaling. There is ample evidence that the act of journaling helps us to process out experiences and what's happening in a healthy and deeper way. And, years from now you might want to see what you were doing and thinking as you share the lessons and experiences of this time with your contemporaries and/or grandchildren.
2) Commit to being nicer, kinder, and more empathetic than ever before. You'll feel better and God knows we all need more of the certainty that we care about one another,
3) Start putting together a list of reading, high quality blogs, podcasts, shows, movies and documentaries you've always wanted to see, hear, read and then do it on a regular basis,
4) Hone a skill you've always wanted to learn or improve (the availability of high quality instruction has never been better). Master classes, amazing podcasts (on an incredible range of topics) abound.
5) If you own a business or professional practice then start writing content for your blog, website and newsletter. No one will do a better job of that than you as you have a unique insight into the needs, trials and tribulations of your clients, patients and customers.
I'm spending some time each evening before I collapse into bed thinking and writing. And I am in touch with some amazing people who are curating resources for individuals, families, and businesses.
So follow me here on the law firm site or on Facebook and stay tuned and I'll be back with more...