I try to bring you great articles and resources for Pennsylvania residents interested in estate planning, asset protection, and federal and state inheritance and estate tax planning.  Often, I write the articles myself so that they are customized to the Pennsylvania resident.

However, this brief newspaper article on the basics of estate planning is so good, and the thoughts and strategies of estate planing that it reviews are so relevant to Pennsylvania that I wanted to get it to you as soon as I read it.

Now of course, as  a lawyer I'd like a news piece that recommends getting professional help with your wills, trusts, and related documents.  But, this article is great because it advocates something that I have been championing.  Advanced thought about your plan and communication between or among your advisors to make sure that the plan is agreeable to all, effective to carry out your desires and that it actually gets implemented.

Please enjoy the article and leave us any comments or questions.

David M. Frees III, Esquire
Avvo Rated 9.5 Superb!
David M. Frees, III
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