Careful Review and Updates Make Your Will Work Better

A will is only good if it contains correct family information.

For example, what happens if you forget to name a child?

What happens if you never changed your will to include the

birth of your youngest or only child?

What happens, if you leave a child out intentionally but fail to say why?

What happens if you are divorced and or remarried and the spouse designation in your will is not your current spouse?

These are important questions to think about. Family information in a will seems relatively unimportant but you want your most recent intentions to be reflected in your will.

You would not want your child or a sibling to receive less because you did not have the correct clause in your will to include any children born after the creation of your will. You want to make sure your spouse is designated in your will and if you are divorced that your ex is not designated as your spouse in your will, or under insurance policies or relevant accounts. While some of these changes take effect under the law, it is best to be clear and to avoid questions through good planning.

No one likes family drama so ensure that the family section in your will includes the necessary clauses to do what you want it to do and that your current family is reflected in this section.

Your family means a lot to you if you have a will so make sure it is correct and reflects your current family situation.

David M. Frees III

P.S. Are you unsure if your will is up to date? As a client or reader of Unruh, Turner, Burke, and Frees Attorney's at Law's Estate and Trust Blog, you qualify to claim one of our free will reviews. These reviews are scheduled during the summer months.

However, days are limited in numbers and once the will review days are full you will have to call for a separate appointment.If you have been wanting to see of your will is outdated or needs an update you can get a free twenty minute will review, even if we did not draft your will.You will only be billed if you later decide to hire the firm to help you. But the will and advice are free. We hope to see you.

P.P.S. For a free will review by David M. Frees III or Douglas Kaune call 610-933-8069 to find out an available will review date and time.


David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author
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