He forwarded an artcile that I think is hilarious and closed by saying that the trust department will be accepting the deposit of mattrresses all week. Enjoy and learn. Kurt's contact information is below if you have any questions about the value of your family bedding.
David M. Frees III
Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees
Estate Planning, Trust Planning, Asset Protection Planning and Family SuccessionPlanning
Here is Kurt's email in it's entirety:
Woman throws away million-dollar mattress
Kurt A. Kunsch - Vice President/Managing Director
Trust & Asset Management|Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust |
533 Kimberton Rd, PO Box 1046, Kimberton, PA 19442-1046
(: 610-935-8304 7: 610-415-0149 *: [email protected]
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