I just received an email from Kurt Kunsch who heads the trust department of Phoenixville Federal Bank and Trust.  In the interest of full disclosure, I am a member of the board of directors and the trust committee of this bank and trust company.

He forwarded an artcile that I think is hilarious and closed by saying that the trust department will be accepting the deposit of mattrresses all week.  Enjoy and learn. Kurt's contact information is below if you have any questions about the value of your family bedding.

David M. Frees III
Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees
Estate Planning, Trust Planning, Asset Protection Planning and Family SuccessionPlanning

Here is Kurt's email in it's entirety:

Woman throws away million-dollar mattress

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An Israeli woman who bought her elderly mother a new mattress threw out the old one unaware that it had $1 million hidden inside it.

Israeli newspapers reported today that the woman was left scrabbling through landfill sites in an, as yet, fruitless search for the mattress which contained her mother's life savings.

The woman, identified only as Anat, a resident of Tel Aviv, told Army Radio that she bought the mattress on Monday as a surprise for her mother and got rid of the other one without telling her.

When she realized her mistake she rushed outside to look for the mattress but found it had already been taken by the rubbish collectors. Subsequent searches at three different landfill sites turned up nothing.

The Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot published a picture of the woman searching through refuse at a dump in southern Israel.

Yitzhak Borba, the dump manager, told the radio station that his staff was helping the woman, saying she appeared “totally desperate”, but the mattress was hard to find among the 2,500 tonnes of rubbish arriving at the site every day.

Mr. Borba said that he increased security at the site to keep would-be treasure hunters at bay. For her part, Anat is displaying an admirable stoicism. “People have to take everything in proportion and thank God for the good and the bad,” she said.

We will be accepting mattresses this week!

Kind regards,


Kurt A. Kunsch - Vice President/Managing Director

Trust & Asset Management|Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust |
533 Kimberton Rd, PO Box 1046, Kimberton, PA  19442-1046 
(: 610-935-8304 7: 610-415-0149 *: [email protected]

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David M. Frees, III
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