Do You Want To Learn What Executors And Trustees Have To Do To Do A Good Job AND To Avoid Personal Liability?
Do you have a child or grandchild who will be your executor and you want them to know and to understand the job?
If so, then join us for our exclusive, virtual UTBF VIP Client Executor Training.
Here are just a few specific things that this live “half-day” event will reveal:
- The master checklists and systems for executors of small and large estates
- The secrets that the smartest executors and their lawyers use to ethically and legally minimize or eliminate expenses, probate fees, and liability exposure (yes, executors can be sued)
- When to hire lawyers, accountants, financial advisers and how to negotiate/ understand their fees
- The two things you can never do when it comes to a decedents’ homeowners and car insurance policies
- How to eliminate or minimize the estate’s need for the probate court in order to save money, resources and valuable time
- The seven secrets to the fastest and safest ways to end an estate administration
- What to do with personal memos, and how to understand wills and trusts (HINT – we now have a secure client portal where memos and your documents can be saved for when they’re needed)
- How to handle digital assets, email accounts, online photos and the social media of a deceased party
- The difference between wills, trusts, and “testamentary trusts” (and why those differences really matter)
- Why you have to file way more tax returns than you thought and how to avoid trouble (with the state and/or the IRS), interest and penalties…
You’ll receive personal and group training from some of our top estate and trust lawyers, and our high level team of paralegals and the team members that support you as an executor or trustee as well as a FREE copy of our executor training reports.
Finally, you’ll receive access to a recording of our hour long executor mini-training call! It’s a great and quick review.
There are a limited number of spots in the virtual training. If you want to attend (you can have your executor join the event for free), then…
Email Lisa Snyder at [email protected] to register. If the training is sold out, we’ll put you on the waitlist for the fall session.
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Time: 9:30 am until 12:30 pm
Location: This is a virtual event and you will get a link for easy sign in and access. Don’t like zoom? Don’t worry. You can also call in on the day of the event.
Value: You won’t pay this, but all of the above has a value in excess of $1,110.00. However, to thank you for being a VIP client, we’ve reduce that to… $97 (and no charge for your executor to attend). Why? Because our best clients are our best educated clients and their families.