The Lost Keys Program
At Unruh, Turner, Burke, and Frees we know how you feel when you lose your keys. 

When you lose your keys it is always at the most inopportune time, you are running late, and most importantly you do not have the time or money to go right out and have all of your locks changed.

Dave Frees and Douglas Kaune have a solution for you. As a client, we want to help make your life easier. We now have a Lost Keys Program that will make finding your lost keys easier and more likely then ever. There is no cost to you- ever. And, we will actually offer and pay a reward to whoever finds and returns the keys.
The Lost Keys Program is simple. 
When you come to see us at Unruh, Turner, Burke, and Frees we will give you a keytag for your keychain.
You simply
1) register online and
2) put it on your keychain and forget about it.
But once you have that tag on your keychain the program has already begun. We record your unique tag number along with your name and address in our database. If your keys are ever lost and found, the finder can call the number on the keytag and report the keytag number to us.
We arrange a return of the keys to US (NEVER directly to you so your identity will remain anonymous to the finder) and we arrange for a reward for their help in getting your keys back to you hassle free.To encourage calling the keytag number if someone finds the keys we give a reward of a Wawa gift card for their kindness. On the front of the keytag it says "Reward for Lost Keys" to help promote the keys being returned to us.
So what are you waiting for? Make your life easier and sign up for our Lost Keys Program when you visit Unruh, Turner, Burke, and Frees Attorney's at Law today. You have nothing to lose and you get the comfort of knowing if you do lose your keys they will be returned to you as quickly and hassle free as possible.
Enjoy this unique Lost Keys Program we have for our clients because we want to make life easier for you (Isn't that what Law firms and its lawyers are supposed to do?)Keytag
Who else should be protected?
We will register keys for your:

• Children
• Spouse
• Loved One
• Grandchildren

If you are a Client:
Just call 610-933-8069 and ask for a lost key finder and register or if you are coming in for an appointment just let us know and we will give you as many as you need.
Thanks again for choosing Unruh, Turner, Burke, and Frees for your legal, business, and estate planning needs.


P.S. Need a lost key tag for a child or grandchild to get their keys back if they are ever lost? No problem.
Call 610-933-8069 and ask for a lost key tag or email [email protected]

P.P.S. Do you need to update or revise your will, living will, power of attorney, medical power of attorney, or trust? Does your will have the right clauses. Read our recent blog Revoke Your Prior Will to get up to date information on what clauses your will should have and when to update your will.

David M. Frees, III
Connect with me
Attorney, Speaker and Author