Posted on Sep 26, 2011
If you are a therapist, lawyer, or mediator and you need to hone your skills
or to understand how and why successful mediations work, then plan on attending...

Are you a lawyer in need of an experienced mediator of trust, estate and family disputes?

On Novmber 10th, 2011 David Frees, an attorney and mediator as well as an instructor of
mediation skills will be presenting on the neurobiology of mediation, persuasion, and influence.

Attorney and Estate Mediator David Frees

This presentation for members of the Philadelphia Bar Association will cover many of
the following topics:

7 Mediation Skills and Secrets No Mediator, Judge, or Lawyer Can Ignore

The Three Language Patterns You Must Avoid At All Cost For Successful Mediation

Mediation: Looking For A Way To Settle Disputes and Keep Relationships Intact?

What Mediators Crave - The Neuroscience of ADR and How To Make It Work Better For You

Unlocking The Hidden Profits Of Your Mediation Practice - Overnight

Wake Up To Effective Alternatives Why Mediation and ADR Matters To Lawyers and What You Need To Know

For more information call the Philadelphia Bar Association's ADR Section or David Frees at 610-933-8069.

P.S.  If you cannot attend ask about David's other appearances and programs throughout the area or
around the country. 

Need a mediator for a dispute involving a trust, estate, or family business matter?  Call 610-933-8069.
David Frees was first trained as a mediator and in all matters involving alternatives to resolving litigation when he was n law student at the University of Pennsylvania and has spoken and written on the topic for over 25 years. 
His is an experienced attorney with over 23 years of estate and trust practice and acts as a neutral mediator. 
David M. Frees, III
Connect with me
Attorney, Speaker and Author