Do you know that the vast majority of people (and often even affluent business people) do not have a will or any effective estate planning?
And, many who have a will do not realize that their planning will not work as desired because they have failed to coordinate their trusts, wills, and the manner in which they hold their assets. Simply, very few people take the few extra hours it takes to make the plan actually work. Our clients do. And their plans work.
These documents walk you through the process in a way that makes estate planning or doing a will or trust easy - and many clients say "actually enjoyable."
When you click the request and fill in the form, you'll receive an easy to use Questionnaire and an Enhanced Estate Planning Guide(TM). These documents will automatically and easily prepare you to do an estate plan and/or for your no fee consultation with me or one of my highly experienced lawyers who will help you to create a plan that will actually work.
If you want to:
Protect Your Children and Grandchildren from Divorce or Lawsuits?
Minimize Fees Costs and Taxes?
Make Sure That Your Wishes Get Carried Out Without Friction?
Protect A Spouse and Heirs from remarriage or other risks of loss?
Then make sure that you order this report.
And, can a moment to watch the SAQs (Should Ask Videos) At the top of this page.
They are packed with VERY valuable information.
It is easy to use and there is no cost or obligation to you. Why? We are that confident that you will find these materials useful, easy to use, and truly useful. When you are ready to act to create your plan we know that you will turn to us for the help you need.
Enjoy these materials.
David M. Frees III, Esquire
AVVO Rated 9.5 Superb!