“You just feel better when you do it and do it right.” This statement rings true for the asset protection and estate planning clients of Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees. In this powerful video, Pennsylvania asset protection attorney David Frees explains how his law firm was able to help one of their clients with his business. This client was in a similar situation to many of the people who contact the law firm. He was in a business that had a high probability of lawsuits and he was concerned about protecting his assets. He worried about losing his assets all the time. Frees and his firm were able to take measures to protect the client’s business and assets from frivolous lawsuits. Knowing his assets and business were safe, put the client’s mind at ease. Next, Pennsylvania asset protection attorney Frees looked at how his client’s assets were structured. He took the necessary steps, so that they would pass to his client’s heirs seamlessly. Watch this informative video to learn more about this client’s story and how the law firm of Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees was able to help him not only with his business, but his family’s future. Be sure to order your FREE copy of the must-read book, Enhanced Estate Planning: What You Need to Know About Hiring An Attorney & Creating A Plan That Works.
David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author