Many people believe that wills and trusts are reserved for wealthy people with large estates. This is not the case. If you have children or other loved ones to whom you wish to pass your assets, you should draw up a will or trust, no matter the size of your estate. David M. Frees can help you get your will or trust in order. Pennsylvania estate attorney David M. Frees of the Law Offices of Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees specializes in cases involving trusts, estates, and wealth preservation. If you have assets that you want to leave to your loved ones, don’t face the legal burden alone. Call David M. Frees at 610-933-8069 today, or visit his website at to order a FREE copy of his book, Enhanced Estate Planning: What You Need to Know About Hiring an Attorney.
David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author