Pennsylvania estate planning attorney David Frees discusses, in this video, the incredible information you can find on his firm’s website concerning asset protection strategies and planning. You can’t afford to not be an educated and informed consumer when is comes to protecting your assets.

As you can imagine, asset protection covers a wide range of strategies that can range from very inexpensive to very expensive. Again, it’s important that you are educated and informed as it relates to the subject. Our website can help you achieve this goal.

Our website offers you a lot of information about asset protection strategies and planning. You will find articles discussing the types of insurance you should have. You will also find information on the various types of trust arrangements available ranging from domestic trusts to offshore trusts.

Feel free to call the Pennsylvania estate planning attorneys at Unruh, Burke & Frees for more information and with any questions you have about asset protection.

To learn more about protecting your assets and about estate planning, you can order a free copy of our informative guide, Enhanced Estate Planning: What You Need to Know About Hiring An Attorney & Creating A Plan That Works.
David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author