Pennsylvania estate planning attorney David Frees discusses, in this thought provoking video, the risks that beneficiaries face in regards to paying too much to the trust or estate’s executor or trustee for administration services. Perhaps you have been wondering whether you are paying more than you should. Unlike other states that have statutes that set fees for executors and trustees, Pennsylvania provides “reasonable” fees. However, this is not a free for all. Case law provides guidance to these charges. As a matter of fact, there is a set of fee guidelines that have been published in Pennsylvania case law. Contact a Pennsylvania estate planning attorney at Unruh, Burke & Frees if you suspect that an executor or trustee is charging too much. We can even provide you with a copy of the published set of fee guidelines as established by case law and help you understand them. Our team of experienced attorneys can also address any questions that you might have about trusts and estates. We can even help you set up your trust or estate. To find out more about trusts and estates, you can order a free copy of the informative guide, Enhanced Estate Planning: What You Need to Know About Hiring An Attorney & Creating A Plan That Works.
David M. Frees, III
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Attorney, Speaker and Author