When you work hard for your money over your lifetime, it is important to understand how to best protect your assets when developing a cohesive elder law and estate plan. Unfortunately, this area of the law—Medicaid and inheritance tax laws—is confusing for most people, which is why we have created this video to help you.
You probably already know that people are living longer and nursing home care and medical expenses are increasing, which why it is wise to plan ahead for this; however, there are various legal issues that you need to know about. Some of the secrets to helping you protect your assets within the framework of the law includes gifting assets to an irrevocable Medicaid trust. When done the right way, it will allow you to protect your assets from nursing home spending, death taxes, and Pennsylvania inheritance tax.
After watching our videos and reading our articles on elder law and estate planning, feel free to contact us with any questions. We would be happy to answer your questions and help you start an elder law and estate plan to protect your assets. Call attorney Doug Kaune at Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees at 610.933.8069 or contact us online at