Thanks for watching our videos. If you've made it this far, you know that you need to be sophisticated when planning your estate. A simple will, trust and durable power of attorney is probably not enough for you. You want to make sure that your children and heirs are protected from divorces and lawsuits, you want to protect your own assets, you want to minimize federal estate taxes. This is what families do that successfully pass on vacation homes, businesses and other assets to their heirs. We want to provide you will all of the information necessary to make an informed, educated decisions about your estate. If you are ready to get started, call David M. Frees
at 610-933-8069 or email him at [email protected] to setup your free consultation. In addition to providing the first meeting free of charge, the lawyers at Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees will give you a flat fee once they understand your needs. Your family deserves to keep the lifestyle that you've worked so hard for so contact us today.