As a new mother or father, you probably have many questions about estate plans. In this video, attorney David Frees interviews Whitney O’Reilly, one of the firm’s trust and estate planning attorneys, to provide new parents with information about estate planning. Because estate plans cover a lot of information, this video highlights some of the main points new parents should know about.
Most parents don’t realize that they need more than a Last Will and Testament. In fact, all parents should also have a medical power of attorney, financial power of attorney, and living will. These documents are very important so that parents can determine what will happen to their children if they become incapacitated and are unable to take care of their minor children. Sadly, a car accident can instantly change a family’s life, which is why parents should determine in advance who they want making important medical and financial decisions for their family. These documents can help new parents determine when and how their children will inherit money, who will be their children’s guardian, and many more decisions.
For help setting up a comprehensive estate plan to protect your children’s future, contact Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees at 610.933.8069 or online at