Are you married with children from a prior marriage?
Do you and your wife or husband want to avoid dmaging and expensive family disputes?
Do you want to balance your spouses' needs with the desire to protect your children from a prior marriage?
The debacle following Tiger Wood's admission of matial transgressions and the subsequent renegotiation of Tiger Wood's prenuptial agreement with the current Mrs. Tiger Woods actually has a lesson for you if you are from Pennsylvania and you are remarried with children from a prior marriage, or are cosnidering a second marriage. Why?
Just click here for the three things that you must know about prenuptial agreements and post nuptial agreements if you are or are considering a second marriage.
David M. Frees III is a probate, trust, estate and asset protection lawyer in Pennsylvania.
If you need a consultation about using agreements and/or trusts in your estate planning becasue you have children from a prior marriage or you are brining wealth to a second marriage call his office at 610-933-8069. Mention this article to receive additional materials on estate planning for mutiple marriages or click here to order Enhanced Estate Planning.
Frees has convenient offices of the Trust, Estate, and Wealth Preservation Section of Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees located in Chester County (Malvern, Phoenixville, and West Chester) which serve Montgomery County, Chester County, and Berks, Bucks, and deleware counties.
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